AVSA-AVSC Joint Convention - Affiliates Breakfast

 Text by Sayeh Beheshti

"Every club is a dynamic entity that must constantly be nurtured in order to evolve and grow.” Mel Grice, the newly appointed AVSA Affiliate Chair continued: “These days people have so many choices on how to spend their time that you really have to have good programs to sell your club”. He was speaking at the Affiliates Breakfast where members from different clubs have an opportunity to discuss their experiences, share stories of challenges and successes on their journeys to creating great and dynamic clubs.

Among the speakers at the meeting, were a group of three new growers from Cincinnati AVS who added valuable insight on what had been important for them when they had first joined their clubs. Other attendees spoke about challenges faced by their clubs and how they had resolved it.

In conclusion, all agreed that attracting and keeping younger African violet growers is critical to the survival of every club. The thoughts and comments discussed at the meeting can help us all in achieving that goal.